The CIREM currently operates four high field NMR spectrometers for liquid measurements. Two of them are located on ULB Solbosch campus. A benchtop EPR spectrometer is also available at CIREM Solbosch.

Bruker Avance DPX 300 Spectrometer

Shielded 7.0 Tesla Superconducting Magnet (300 MHz)

2-channel console with pulsed field gradient (PFG) and variable temperature (VT) units

Air cooling device

– 5 mm probe with z-PFG for double resonance 31P-109Ag/1H experiments
– 10 mm probe for double resonance 31P-109Ag/1H experiments

Varian VNMRS 400 Spectrometer

Shielded 9.4 Tesla Superconducting Magnet (400 MHz)

3-channel console (high, high, low) with pulsed field gradient (PFG) and variable temperature (VT) units

FTS air-cooling device

9-sample carousel for automation


– 5 mm OneNMR probe (direct detection) with z-PFG and auto-tune for double resonance 31P-15N/1H-19F experiments
– 5 mm ASW probe (direct detection) with z-PFG for triple and quadruple resonance 31P-15N/1H/19F and 31P/13C/1H/19F experiments

– 5 mm HCX probe (indirect detection) with z-PFG for triple resonance 1H/13C/31P-15N/ experiments
– 10 mm probe (direct detection) for double resonance 31P-15N/1H experiments

Bruker Magnettech ESR5000 Spectrometer
  • Microwave Unit:
    • Working frequency range: X-band;
    • Microwave power: 1 µW – 100 mW.
  • Universal CW-EPR Resonator:
    • Well suited for all sample types;
    • Max sample access: OD 6 mm;
    • Max modulation amplitude: 10 G;
    • Concentration sensitivity: 50 pM;
    • Absolute sensitivity: 5*109 spins/Gauss.
  • Magnet Unit:
    • Maximum magnetic field: 6500 G.

Liquid nitrogen variable temperature unit (-180 to +200 °C)

Flat cell cuvette for aqueous samples

Direct optical stimulation in the resonator (trigger box for BNC control of Prizmatix LED lasers at 405 and 460 nm or CNI LED laser at 532 nm)

Electrochemical cell for spectroelectrochemistry experiments (in combination with a Metrohm Autolab PGSTAT 204 potentiostat)

Softwares: Bruker ESR Studio including SpinFit and SpinCount modules for quantification and simulation of isotropic signals, Bruker Xenon including AnisoSpinFit module for simulation of anisotropic signals.

5 W continuous wave argon-ion laser and high-power diode lasers for NMR sample illumination